Spring Bouquet Seed Box


Taking Pre-orders NOW for delivery from 9th February

A perfect gift for someone who loves to grow flowers or maybe a gift from you to you. Depending on when you sow and grow the seeds you will have many garden grown bouquets to pick. I grew these flowers in autumn & spring and I cut multiple hand tied garden bouquets from May / July onwards.

This is a special time of year where we all look forward to the spring, early summer and enjoy the flowers that these seasons bring. Also tucked inside you will find a natural frayed ribbon in a complimentary colour to finish your seasonal bouquet.

If you want to add more seeds to your box, they are also sold separately, feel free to pop more in your order.

Kraft Box includes:

Sweet Pea Piggy Sue

Sweet Pea High Society

Stock Cream

Ammi Majus

Wild Marjoram

Silk Ribbon

Add To Wheelbarrow

Taking Pre-orders NOW for delivery from 9th February

A perfect gift for someone who loves to grow flowers or maybe a gift from you to you. Depending on when you sow and grow the seeds you will have many garden grown bouquets to pick. I grew these flowers in autumn & spring and I cut multiple hand tied garden bouquets from May / July onwards.

This is a special time of year where we all look forward to the spring, early summer and enjoy the flowers that these seasons bring. Also tucked inside you will find a natural frayed ribbon in a complimentary colour to finish your seasonal bouquet.

If you want to add more seeds to your box, they are also sold separately, feel free to pop more in your order.

Kraft Box includes:

Sweet Pea Piggy Sue

Sweet Pea High Society

Stock Cream

Ammi Majus

Wild Marjoram

Silk Ribbon

Taking Pre-orders NOW for delivery from 9th February

A perfect gift for someone who loves to grow flowers or maybe a gift from you to you. Depending on when you sow and grow the seeds you will have many garden grown bouquets to pick. I grew these flowers in autumn & spring and I cut multiple hand tied garden bouquets from May / July onwards.

This is a special time of year where we all look forward to the spring, early summer and enjoy the flowers that these seasons bring. Also tucked inside you will find a natural frayed ribbon in a complimentary colour to finish your seasonal bouquet.

If you want to add more seeds to your box, they are also sold separately, feel free to pop more in your order.

Kraft Box includes:

Sweet Pea Piggy Sue

Sweet Pea High Society

Stock Cream

Ammi Majus

Wild Marjoram

Silk Ribbon

Sweet Pea Alison Louise
Sweet Pea Monarch's Diamond
Nigella Miss Jekyll Light blue
Cosmos Double Click Rose Bonbon
Snapdragon Madame Butterfly Pink, Bronze and Ivory