Rudbeckia Sahara
Potager Favourite
An absolute favourite in the Potager, flowering right into autumn. With its sandy caramel shades and hints of sun kissed pinks colours all blended together to make the most beautiful colour velvet palette. Think of pomegranate stained parchment paper or rose tinted oatmeal coloured daisy like flowers, single and double flowers. Use canes and netting to support and top off with our tactile terracotta cane toppers to make your flower displays complete.
Surface sow indoors keep soil moist but not wet, do not cover seeds. Germination takes up to 15 days. If no germination has taken place, stratify to help the process. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into individual pots. Grow on in cooler conditions and acclimatise to outside. Plant out after danger of frost has passed in your area.
Grow tightly in rows to support each other, staking or netting will be needed if growing in flower beds. Will flower right into autumn bringing their beautiful colours into September.
Approximately 30 seeds
Height 60cms
Rudbeckia Hirta
Half Hardy - grown as an annual in the UK
Potager Favourite
An absolute favourite in the Potager, flowering right into autumn. With its sandy caramel shades and hints of sun kissed pinks colours all blended together to make the most beautiful colour velvet palette. Think of pomegranate stained parchment paper or rose tinted oatmeal coloured daisy like flowers, single and double flowers. Use canes and netting to support and top off with our tactile terracotta cane toppers to make your flower displays complete.
Surface sow indoors keep soil moist but not wet, do not cover seeds. Germination takes up to 15 days. If no germination has taken place, stratify to help the process. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into individual pots. Grow on in cooler conditions and acclimatise to outside. Plant out after danger of frost has passed in your area.
Grow tightly in rows to support each other, staking or netting will be needed if growing in flower beds. Will flower right into autumn bringing their beautiful colours into September.
Approximately 30 seeds
Height 60cms
Rudbeckia Hirta
Half Hardy - grown as an annual in the UK
Potager Favourite
An absolute favourite in the Potager, flowering right into autumn. With its sandy caramel shades and hints of sun kissed pinks colours all blended together to make the most beautiful colour velvet palette. Think of pomegranate stained parchment paper or rose tinted oatmeal coloured daisy like flowers, single and double flowers. Use canes and netting to support and top off with our tactile terracotta cane toppers to make your flower displays complete.
Surface sow indoors keep soil moist but not wet, do not cover seeds. Germination takes up to 15 days. If no germination has taken place, stratify to help the process. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into individual pots. Grow on in cooler conditions and acclimatise to outside. Plant out after danger of frost has passed in your area.
Grow tightly in rows to support each other, staking or netting will be needed if growing in flower beds. Will flower right into autumn bringing their beautiful colours into September.
Approximately 30 seeds
Height 60cms
Rudbeckia Hirta
Half Hardy - grown as an annual in the UK