Cosmos Bipinnatus Daydream

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A Potager Favourite

A white saucer flower with pale rosy pink flushes at the centre of each one. Such a dreamy flower on mass in your beds or simply on its own in a vase. I love to grow it with Scabiosa Salmon Queen and Phlox Cherry Caramel.

Best sown under cover from March but can be direct sown in May. Grow seedlings on in individual pots or modules when 2/3 sets of leaves have formed. Pinch out tips when plants are around 15cm to encourage bushier plants. When large enough, gradually harden off only after all risk of frost has passed in your area. Stake or net cosmos plants, water regularly and dead-head to prolong the flowering season.

Approx 50 seeds

Height 1.2m

Cosmos Bippinatus

Half Hardy

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A Potager Favourite

A white saucer flower with pale rosy pink flushes at the centre of each one. Such a dreamy flower on mass in your beds or simply on its own in a vase. I love to grow it with Scabiosa Salmon Queen and Phlox Cherry Caramel.

Best sown under cover from March but can be direct sown in May. Grow seedlings on in individual pots or modules when 2/3 sets of leaves have formed. Pinch out tips when plants are around 15cm to encourage bushier plants. When large enough, gradually harden off only after all risk of frost has passed in your area. Stake or net cosmos plants, water regularly and dead-head to prolong the flowering season.

Approx 50 seeds

Height 1.2m

Cosmos Bippinatus

Half Hardy

A Potager Favourite

A white saucer flower with pale rosy pink flushes at the centre of each one. Such a dreamy flower on mass in your beds or simply on its own in a vase. I love to grow it with Scabiosa Salmon Queen and Phlox Cherry Caramel.

Best sown under cover from March but can be direct sown in May. Grow seedlings on in individual pots or modules when 2/3 sets of leaves have formed. Pinch out tips when plants are around 15cm to encourage bushier plants. When large enough, gradually harden off only after all risk of frost has passed in your area. Stake or net cosmos plants, water regularly and dead-head to prolong the flowering season.

Approx 50 seeds

Height 1.2m

Cosmos Bippinatus

Half Hardy

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