The Wild Potager Co

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The Air Shifts…

As the summer bounty has reached it’s finale the contents of the seed box are tipped out, a deluge of forgotten, half used and duplicate packets. Immediately picking out ammi and daucus amongst the reservoir laid bare.

Sowing a seed tray becomes a cathartic process, the action in itself is calming and never gets old. How a field can be filled with food and flowers from a small seed alike to that of a grain of sand. Radio on, peat free compost to hand and the whole cycle begins once more.

There is enough warmth remaining in the autumn days to germinate and the light will nurture growth in the seedlings, just enough to survive the winter months. I can’t help but add honesty and apricot fox gloves that will emerge within a matter of weeks.

Honesty is sown for its simple seed heads that follow the flowers, some seeds are saved for the following year and the rest for autumnal displays. Apricot fox gloves are sown now to ensure floral spires late spring, early summer.

In the coming weeks more seeds will be added to the over wintering list to store, leaving time to prepare through to spring when the next seed sowing fest will begin.